Saturday, December 5, 2009
I Wire Wrapped (well I tried)
Practice makes perfect they say and I need a lot more with my wire wrapping skills, but I'm slowly getting there. There's quite a few different ways of doing it judging by all the tutorials on the web and I guess it's just a matter of finding what works for me. But I won't give up because I'm determined to master it. So I wire wrapped all of the beads on this necklace, pearls, crystals and some little beads from Bali. The filigree components were gold so I painted them with black alcohol ink.
More wire wrapping. The focal is something I picked up at the op shop. Not quite sure what it was supposed to be, maybe a belt buckle. I added some chain and very small cubed turquoise beads and a little silver charm to the 'buckle' as it's very light weight and needed a bit heft added to it. Don't know if I like the two large caramel coloured beads or not. What do you think?
This is made with all re-purposed beads from various pieces of jewelery from various op shops, well all except the bead cap.
Mainly new beads with some odd re-purposed ones and one of my new magnetic clasps in black.
Very hot here today and had a lazy day in the aircon. Even managed a short nanna nap on the lounge, something I don't usually do. I find it very hard to sleep during the day and now I'll pay for it, I'll be up all hours of the night, darn it!
wire wrapping
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