Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day

Flippin’ hot (39.7 degrees).
Full-on fans and air con.
Felt the need for a mid afternoon nanny nap.

Merry Christmas to you all.

Friday, December 24, 2010


 ausie christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope yours is full of fun, family and food. It will be 38 degrees (about 100) here in Perth so we will be dining inside with aircon full blast eating a cold lunch. Far too hot to cook turkey and ham with all the trimmings.
Enjoy your day and have a safe and happy Christmas…..until next Year………Davinia

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Burnt Offerings

Well it had to happen some time I suppose. My first (and hopefully my last) tray of scorched and burnt beyond rescue polymer clay. I was given a  little convection oven a couple of weeks ago that had hardly been used, and as it is the same make as my bigger bench top oven, Delonghi, I trusted it would keep the temperature at a constant level the same as my bigger one. Well I was wrong. I could have cried, so much time and effort went into these pieces and look at them. Ruined!!!!! Wah.

The pieces that look like a caramel colour were actually white before I cooked them. And the one in the middle of the picture above was an ecru colour with a black stamp. Well that bubbled up like volcano lava.

Maybe I can paint some of them. But most are beyond rescuing me thinks.

These earring were so pretty once upon a time.

Well here’s something that doesn’t look like it was rescued from a house fire.

The pendant was made in a faux jade class with Pam a couple of weeks ago. I had a different pendant on this necklace but was never very happy with the way it looked so I removed and replaced it with this new one and I like it. In fact I love it and the faux jade technique, of which there a few, is such fun because there are so many shades of jade from emerald green right through to light almost translucent. You can use embossing powders and alcohol inks and several other inclusions to get the colour you like. Definitely a technique I’m going to explore more. You know me and green!


The other beads are olive jade (the light green) and the darker green are Nephrite. Lovely gunmetal silver chain and lime green glass chips.

Well is rubbish pickup day tomorrow so I may as well go and turf out my putrid polymer and go back to the drawing board and my old reliable oven.
Note to self: next time you smell a peculiar odour emanating from the kitchen, investigate!
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Pesky Parrots

See these little guys? Cute aren’t they……wrong. These little blighters have been coming into our garden for the last few years and eating our figs. I hear them in the morning and I fly out the back door and wave my arms and yell things like…yeh, you better fly away you little buggers. I used to get the hose and squirt them but with the drought and all, wasting even a single drop of water is a crime against humanity, so now I just jump around like a demented diva and yell stupid things at them.

A few years ago after having decimated the figs and eaten all the other neighbours fruit they were still hungry so they perched on my basil plants which were going to seed and proceeded to strip them of all the dried seeds.

And as I stood there watching them it occurred to me if I caught one, killed it and cooked it I could name the dish Pesto Parrot.

But then if I was quick enough to catch one (highly unlikely) how would I kill it and then I’d have to pluck it (guess I could use the feathers for jewelry ha!) and the worst part would be taking out it’s gizzards…eweeee.

So needless to say the thought of catching, killing and cooking a parrot was just a brief moment of madness.