Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I Bought Beautiful Beads
When I was at the craft show on Saturday, Wendy from Galaxy beads had a stall set up there. She's such an enabler.....she'd been on a buying trip to Bali and showed me these gorgeous shiny, sparkly acrylic beads. The necklace she had made using some of these beads was divine so I put my order in for some and went and picked them up this morning. Of course the photos never show certain beads to their full gloriousness and these are no exception. Trust me, if you saw them in real life you'd commit a crime to have them in your possession.
They look almost like scrunched up aluminium foil set in resin. All you resin renegades out there, maybe this is something for you to try if you haven't already. Actually resin is my next 'thing' I want to try after I try metal work and before I try enameling and several other techniques that have piqued my interest. Not enough hours in the day and dollars in the bank.
These round ones are my favourites.
But I love them all.
Now this is the necklace that got deleted from my last post about my 'antique' finds from Saturday. Very retro and I'm a bit loathe to pull it apart......we'll see.
No cooking tonight, yay. Off to MIL's for authentic Italian food. Eat your hearts out!
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