Saturday, March 20, 2010
Saturday's Child
Saturday's Child works hard for a living.
I think most of us work hard for a living, unless we're one of the lucky ones with a job that we love passionately and live to work. I'm afraid my job is a means to an end. More beads!!!!!! Although I do enjoy my job. It's varied and no two jobs are the same and I get to work with a bunch of great ladies and meet some wonderful and interesting people from all walks of life.
Something I've learnt from my job though, is we all work hard just to buy more stuff! Too much stuff really. Some of the homes I go into, whether it's to pack or unpack are bursting at the seams with goods and chattles and they always ask (sheepishly) if this is the most we've ever seen. Mind you I'm just as guilty as everyone else. We just like possessions don't we, whether it's so many clothes they won't fit in the closet, or owning every conceivable kitchen appliance known to man, or a million little figurines that have been collected over the years or so many toys they could open a store.....don't get me started on the toy thing.
After every job I always promise myself when I get home I'm going to start culling. Be ruthless, get rid of anything that hasn't been used for two years. Set up a culling station, 3 cartons, 1 for charity, 1 for the tip, and one I'm not certain about. Streamline, pare down, cleanse.......but I just don't seem to get around to it, plus the fact I'm usually so tuckered out when I get home it takes me all my energy just to cook dinner. Maybe next week.
I'm a bit late with today's Post. The day just got away from me.
And this afternoon I was experimenting with a new design that I've saved for last. Tune in tomorrow and there may be a giveaway........just because.

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